Liebster Award: Recognition as a Blogger

LAURA G, founder and author at the BINGE WATCHING QUEEN just nominated me, A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE, for the LIEBSTER AWARD. Thank you, Laura G, it is a great owner to be nominated by a blogger who’s Blogging Niche is totally different from mine. So, if you were wondering what is this LIEBSTER AWARD,
Source Blog for Nomination: Click Here
It was created to recognize and/or discover new bloggers and welcome them to the great blogging community.
Now, I accepted this nomination for two reasons.

       1)      Firstly, I am like 3 weeks old blogger, hence I needed a platform so that I could be recognized within this community.

       2)   Secondly, behind this blogging idea, there is a vision and that is giving a platform to those aspiring young science enthusiasts to share their own scientific ideas because nobody knows from where another Degrasse Tyson comes, or a new Bill Nye appears. Hope you people get it.
So, without further ado, I am going to follow the next step of this nomination. As part of this nomination, we must answer a few questions to help others know us a little better. These were the questions I was asked and the answers.

To proceed further Like my facebook page here

Question 1:
Who is your favorite writer (blogger, narrative, film…)?

My favorite writer so far is the one and only Neil Degrasse Tyson.

Question 2:
Where do you blog from?

Currently, I am blogging from my home but soon I will be blogging from my hostel since next semester is starting Ak-hh hh.

Questions 3:
Who knows about your blog?

I don’t really know much. But my friends, some teachers, and some 189 (Facebook page likes :-p) people knows about my blog.

Question 4:
What famous person (dead or alive) would you go to dinner with?

Haha, a good question. Hmm, I think Sir William Lawrence Bragg. After all, he is the youngest physicist to get a Noble Prize.

Question 5:
When was the last time you cried watching a movie?

Watching Boruto: Naruto the movie

Question 6:
Have you ever binge watched a TV-series? If so, write me a message and explain.

Yes, I have watched 7 seasons of Friends in succession. And by the way who has not!

Question 7:
Who do you want to become thanks to your blog? A more famous blogger? An influencer?

An Influencer

Question 8:
Would you spend a year on a space station? A month? A week?

Neither, I like Earth better and want to make it better for next generations.

Questions 9:
Which Countries have you lived in or visited?

I’ve never been to abroad but I am hoping to visit USA soon as I have taken a part in an Entrepreneurship event and if I win from my country I’ll be visiting the Silicon Valley. Please Pray for me.

Question 10;
What would you suggest to your fellow bloggers to improve their followers?

I am myself a beginner. So, if you are reading this blog and are a mature writer than me please comment and share your suggestions.

Congrats to my fellow nominees! If you choose to accept this nomination.

  1. You must answer the following questions, and write your blog post adding the link to the blog that nominated you (A Scientific Perspective)
  2. Followed by the other 10 you chose to nominate.
  3. Add your 10 questions and conquer. 
  4. Further, you have to send me the link of your blog as well so that I can read your interesting answers

To get to know about this award visit here 

Now my Questions to you are

  1. Which country do you belong
  2. Do you have any interest in Science?
  3. Do you earn from your blog? If yes then how much? if no then do you want to?
  4. Describe yourself in 20 words?
  5. Do you believe in God? If no then are you an Anarchist or Atheist?
  6. Do you Study? If yes then what are you studying? If no then what do you do? (besides blogging)
  7. Did you like my Blog?
  8. Who was your first crush?
  9. Blogging is your Hobby or Passion?
  10. What would you suggest to your fellow bloggers to improve their followers?
Now we come to the important part. The 10 Nominees are

  1. Gabbski
  2. Flux Media Blog
  3. Humanizing Rights
  4. Scenario of Life
  5. Sunlight of the Mind
  6. Just A Radical
  7. LaGhash
  8. The Allotment Cook
  9. Selina Wing
  10. On Mum Days I
Cheers !!


  1. Nice post.
    Thank you so much for nominating me. I have recently posted about Liebster award and answered your questions. Done with my part.

    Happy Blogging!


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