Science Guys Episode-3: Richard P. Feynman
Source: “Physics is like sex; sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it” - Feynman Richard P. Feynman (Richard Phillips Feynman) was one of the revolutionary scientists of the twentieth-century and by far the coolest among his generation of Physicists. Born in New York in 1918, he had Russian and Polish genes which did contribute to his geniuses. He had a nick for Physics since his childhood and pursued this field with such coolness and ambition that he is regarded as one of the best teachers in Physics as well. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1965 for his work which tied together with light, radio, electricity, and magnetism. This work revolutionized Quantum Physics and Quantum Electrodynamics and made the study of the interaction of subatomic particles easier. This work was later called “FeynmanDiagrams” . Feynman’s high standing among physicists was not only due to his brilliance in Physics but his bold and colorful personal...